Elon musk na blockchaine


Elon Reeve Musk FRS (/ ˈ iː l ɒ n / EE-lon; born June 28, 1971) is a business magnate, industrial designer, and engineer. He is the founder, CEO, CTO, and chief designer of SpaceX; early investor, CEO, and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; co-founder of Neuralink; and co-founder and initial co-chairman of OpenAI.A centibillionaire, Musk is one of the richest

Jan 03, 2020 · Musk Shills Bitcoin In February, Elon Musk — co-founder of PayPal, chief executive of SpaceX and Tesla, founder of the Boring Company, among other titles — took to the “FYI” podcast of ARK Invest, a Wall Street research heavily interested in investments like Bitcoin and Tesla. Najbohatší troll na svete Elon Musk včera príjemne prekvapil všetkých fanúšikov kryptomien, keď svoj popis na Twitteri zmenil na # Bitcoin. Pridal sa tak k ďalším velikánom ako zakladateľ Twitteru Jack Dorsey či tvorca Redditu Alexis Ohanian. Cena Bitcoinu po tomto impulze vystrelila o 6000 $, avšak rast nemal dlhé trvanie. Elon Musk’s cryptic tweet, “In retrospect, it was inevitable,” has now been etched onto the Bitcoin blockchain for all eternity.

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juni 1971) er en sydafrikanskfødt canadisk-amerikansk forretningsmagnat, ingeniør, og opfinder. Han er administrerende direktør og teknisk direktør i SpaceX, administrerende direktør og produktarkitekt i Tesla Motors, formand for bestyrelsen i solenergifirmaet SolarCity, administrerende direktør af infrastruktur- og Elon Reeve Musk (* 28. června 1971 Pretorie) je americký podnikatel, inženýr a filantrop.Založil kosmickou společnost SpaceX a automobilku Tesla, kterou nyní jako CEO řídí. V minulosti spoluvlastnil internetový platební systém PayPal.V lednu 2021 jej agentura Bloomberg poprvé označila za nejbohatšího člověka světa, s majetkem převyšujícím 200 miliard dolarů. Elon Musk, člověk, od kterého se každý z nás má, co učit. Jen jeho život je natolik inspirativní, že vás burcuje ke konání a aktivitě.

How does the SpaceX and Tesla founder continually beat incredible odds? It comes down to his approach to risk. Awarding excellence in company culture. Early rate through December 4 Elon Musk clearly loves danger. Not only did the SpaceX fou

The price peaked at $ 38,000 after "advertising bitcoin" on the page of the richest person in the world at the Elon Musk Could Change the Way We Use Blockchain Forever Inventor and technology expert, Elon Musk, is one of the world's most innovative personalities. He has contributed all sorts of infrastructure and inventions to SpaceX, Tesla, SolarCity, Hyperloop, OpenAi, … 1.09.2019 @elonmusk adlı kişiden gelen son Tweet'ler Elon Musk pledges $100m to carbon capture contest.

Elon Musk je znám tím, že se k řadě věcí vyjadřuje na sociální síti Twitter, kde má bezmála třicet milionů sledujících. I v tomto případě zde nakonec vydal své stanovisko – konkrétně se tak stalo v komentáři k tweetu Roda Abiba, který napsal: „Znám skutečný důvod prasknutí okna.

Elon musk na blockchaine

The Tesla CEO published the tweet earlier today. The message expressed his stance on the current WallStreetBets/GameStop phenomenon, which has seen the retail investor take on Wall Street —and win, for once. A tweet posted earlier today by Tesla CEO Elon Musk has been immortalized on the Bitcoin blockchain. The Easter egg was spotted by Glassnode CTO Rafael Schultze-Kraft. The Coinbase field of block 668,197 contains the following words: "In retrospect, it was inevitable." Image by @n3ocortex How history gets recorded on the blockchain — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 2, 2020 In a single tweet, Musk revealed that he is not building anything on top of the second-largest cryptocurrency’s blockchain, nor is he “for or against it.” Shatner later responded to the CEO telling “I still love you even though you haven’t found blockchain technology fascinating.” Jan 29, 2018 · Elon Musk is getting into blockchain, apparently. The tech entrepreneur announed on Sunday that his Boring Company tunnel-digging venture would start selling a $600 flamethrower to fund its Feb 01, 2021 · Tesla CEO Elon Musk has said he's a supporter of bitcoin.

Elon musk na blockchaine

The Tesla CEO published the tweet earlier today. The message expressed his stance on the current WallStreetBets/GameStop phenomenon, which has seen the retail investor take on Wall Street—and win, for once. This tweet, not only summed up the events of the past few days but seemingly captured the whole movement toward decentralized finance, and the anger In briefElon Musk's cryptic tweet has been enshrined in the Bitcoin blockchain forever. The words "In retrospect, it was inevitable," are now found on block 66 ‘It Was Inevitable’ Elon Musk Message Saved on Bitcoin Blockchain - TheBitcoinDesk Elon Musk’s cryptic tweet, “In retrospect, it was inevitable,” has now been etched onto the Bitcoin blockchain for all eternity.

Elon musk na blockchaine

Ding is the founder and CEO of Internet and gaming firm NetEase, which has released blockchain apps. Ding is listed as an advisor to blockchain firm ArcBlock, but has publicly denied owning Bitcoin. Isn’t Elon Musk THE Satoshi Nakamoto? :-) Elon Musk Probably Invented Bitcoin – Hacker Noon Naturally, there is no real evidence to suggest he IS or IS NOT the or part of a founding team around Blockchain. Jul 01, 2020 · Billionaire “William” Ding Lei just purchased Elon Musk’s 16,000+ square foot home in Bel Air, California for $29 million. Ding bought Elon Musk’s main residence with a discount on the original asking price of $30 million, reports the Wall Street Journal. Ding is a Chinese national and tech entrepreneur who was the wealthiest man in Apr 11, 2018 · Elon Musk Has Jokingly Joined Crypto Boom With Blockchain Flamethrower Filed Under Bitcoin , Blockchain , Cryptocurrency & Twitter Elon Musk is getting into blockchain, apparently.

Arka arkaya üç deneme başarısız olmuştu. "Elon Musk Teksas'a taşındı ve ünlülüğü benimsedi. Perşembe, Mart 11 2021. Son Dakika Haberleri. Biden 1,9 trilyon dolarlık ekonomik takviye paketini cuma günü imzalayacak; İran Cumhurbaşkanı Manevî, İngiltere Başbakanı Johnson ile nükleer muahedeyi görüştü 26.01.2008 7.03.2021 Elon Musk. $180B +$7.16B +$10.3B United States Technology 3 Bill Gates.

Glassnode CTO’su Rafael Schultze-Kraft, Musk’ın “Geçmişe bakıldığında kaçınılmazdı” dediği tweet’ini yayınladı ve bir Bitcoin madencisinin, Musk’ın mesajını yeni bir blok madenciliği yaparken eklemeye karar verdiğini açıkladı. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 2, 2020. The Tesla chief may not be on board with the plan but Shatner still sees potential for a blockchain use in the memorabilia game. Musk is well known for his own ominous tweets and sends out mixed signals when it comes to the crypto space.

Mar 04, 2020 · Elon Musk, who's still running his victory lap after his electric car company Tesla proved its detractors wrong, has once again gone out to bat for his "fav" bitcoin alternative —sending its price Mar 02, 2021 · A week after saying he thinks it 'would be great' if he were investigated for his Dogecoin tweets, Tesla’s chairman posted a meme taking credit for shoring up DOGE’s price Elon Musk seems serious about angering the SEC with his memes. Despite the rumors about the regulators investigating his Dogecoin-promoting tweets, he posted another relevant meme on March 1, claiming that his memes have The latest tweets from @elonmusk Elon Musk Says "Dogecoin Is The People's Crypto" | Blockchain News.

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Jun 30, 2020 · Elon Musk sold one of his LA estates to William Ding (or Ding Lei), a prominent Chinese blockchain proponent. Ding is the founder and CEO of Internet and gaming firm NetEase, which has released blockchain apps. Ding is listed as an advisor to blockchain firm ArcBlock, but has publicly denied owning Bitcoin.

Feb 10, 2021 · Argo Blockchain hails MicroStrategy's Michael Saylor and Tesla's Elon Musk after Bitcoin surge Argo Blockchain PLC 's ( LON:ARB ) Peter Wall talks to Proactive London's Katie Pilbeam about the recent news that the company has entered into a non-binding letter of intent (LOI) with DPN LLC setting out terms to acquire 320 acres of land in West Oct 27, 2018 · Could Elon Musk Build a Blockchain Smart City in Cooperation with Blockchains LLC? During the last months, there have been different speculation about a pilot of a Smart City Project. As per certain reports , this project could be backed by the Nevada-based company Blockchains LLC and Elon Musk. Jan 03, 2020 · Musk Shills Bitcoin In February, Elon Musk — co-founder of PayPal, chief executive of SpaceX and Tesla, founder of the Boring Company, among other titles — took to the “FYI” podcast of ARK Invest, a Wall Street research heavily interested in investments like Bitcoin and Tesla. Najbohatší troll na svete Elon Musk včera príjemne prekvapil všetkých fanúšikov kryptomien, keď svoj popis na Twitteri zmenil na # Bitcoin. Pridal sa tak k ďalším velikánom ako zakladateľ Twitteru Jack Dorsey či tvorca Redditu Alexis Ohanian.